"This Quartet has been changed to The Supra Duo!",,,the brand founded on September 23rd 2003 that came from schoolmate relationship. We like to play some music that came from electronic gadgets that symbol of the future, but actually we wanna collaborate the ancient sound and the future sound. As the result you can hear our song on this site.
Oh, Nina! (working with EDITION 59): General Info
Member Since | 6/8/2006 |
Band Website | oh-nina.com |
Band Members | hey..how... let us introduce ourself,...Oh, Nina! are AUF at VOICES KRISHNA at HARMONIC MAKER ![]() Fully Supported by Brain Manufacture http://brain-manufacture.com |
Influences | the postal service, figurine, the cure, cardigans, belle and sebastian, pure saturday, mew, telefon tel aviv, mae..blah blah blah |
Sounds Like | "Mind Boggling!" RIPPLE Magazine "Enjoy Oh, Nina! with a glass of cocktail" TRAX Magazine "THE BEST Electropop Band from DIY! Calm, Cool, and Shady" Rolling Stone |
Record Label | blossoms records |
Type of Label | Indie |

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